Movie Night, "Les Misérables:" An evening on the power of forgiveness and how individual choices shape the world
Fri, Mar 22
|Stumberg Hall

Time & Location
Mar 22, 2024, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Stumberg Hall, 3206 Fairfax Walk, Austin, TX 78705, USA
About The Event
At the Austin Institute, we often talk about virtue ethics: the need for all of us to become virtuous men and women, and to do so by starting to act virtuously in our daily, ordinary lives. We stress the role of individual responsibility just as often as we talk about the need to change our current culture and society: the one where nothing but one's individual desires matter, and where goodness never seems to triumph. The great classic Les Misérables, by Victor Hugo, seems to make the same argument. For society to change, it is individuals who must first be transformed. What the French author seems to further suggest is that a powerful instrument to bring that change about is hidden in the opposite of today's anger, divisiveness, and contempt. The secret seems to lie in that very humble and harmless act of forgiveness.
While we cannot commit to reading the whole (gigantic) book together, we invite you to join us for a great screening of its 1998 cinematic rendition, a free dinner, and a rich conversation to follow. We only ask you that you RSVP!
6:00 p.m. Doors open _ Dinner Provided by AI.
6:30 p.m. Screening of the movie "Les Misérables"
8-9:00 p.m. Ending of the movie
9-10:00 p.m. Discussion over ice cream